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Inside Bipolar Podcast: Alcohol’s Impact on Bipolar Disorder - Psych Central 06 Oct 2023

In our society, alcoholic beverages are very common, and since people living with bipolar disorder are just like everyone else, they absorb the same messaging surrounding drinking. From the simple wedding toast to “wine o’clock” and “beer thirty” to celebrate the end of a long work day, imbibing a drink is as common as breathing. But is this the best choice for people managing bipolar disorder?

It is a complicated question that depends on a myriad of factors like where you are in your recovery or whether you take medication to treat bipolar. In this episode, we discuss just how big of a deal mixing alcohol and bipolar disorder is, answering questions like “Is it really dangerous?” and “Do you need to quit drinking entirely or can you just have a little bit?”

We also delve into whether it is possible to regulate bipolar disorder with alcohol. Join us as Gabe and Dr. Nicole discuss the ins and outs of alcohol use and staying stable with bipolar disorder.
